In the world of healthcare, medical billing services are vital to ensure that patients receive accurate statements and reimbursement for their medical procedures. But the complexity of medical coding and insurance verifications means that the task of creating clean claims can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Fortunately, automated medical software solutions are improving the accuracy and speed of these processes. And telemedicine is increasing the need for innovative medical billing methods, such as new codes and reimbursement models for virtual care.
What is billing summaries?
Medical billers Embed Partners communicate with patients, insurance payers, and clearinghouses to manage payments and resolve issues. They use data from a patient’s medical records and the information on file with their insurer to create a bill for each procedure they have had. This information is often collected in a document called a Superbill, which includes the patient’s demographic information and insurance coverage, a list of the procedures performed, and the cost of those services. Medical billing staff then reviews this document to verify that all current procedural terminology, HCPCS Level II, and ICD-10 codes are present and correct. This process is known as claim scrubbing, and it is a key factor in ensuring that an insurance company accepts a medical billing claim on the first pass.
When looking for a medical billing service, ask about their experience with ICD-10 and CPT code updates. It’s also important to find out whether they offer claim scrubbing, denial management, and practice management consultation with their RCM offerings. These features may help reduce the number of claims that are denied, which can lead to lost revenue. They can also reduce the amount of money that is sent to collections agencies for nonpayment or slow payment.